Everybody leads.
And that means you.


Within each of us lies the ability to lead.

True, it may be buried deep, but it’s there waiting for the right conditions to grow. 

I know this from experience. As a young lawyer, I never really thought of myself as a leader, but I was blessed with people throughout my life who showed me what true leadership was; who inspired me to learn about leadership; and who, in the end, convinced me that leadership wasn’t what I thought it was. 

Everybody Leads exists to inspire you, to teach you to embrace your own leadership skills, to nurture those skills and to help you see that leadership might not be what you think it is.

You, too, can be a leader — at home, at work, in your community.

Everybody Leads is here to help you be just that.

Principles of Leadership // Lessons of a Lifetime

There are three fundamental principles about leadership that I know to be true. I’ve seen the proof of these throughout my adult life, as an attorney; as the CEO of our firm; and as a father, a husband and a friend.  

1. Everybody leads. 

Leadership is not some mystical thing—people aren’t born leaders any more than they are born followers. We all have the capacity to lead in some way, all of us. It does not matter your title, your position or your age. You can be a leader no matter your education, your degree, your skill or your talent, regardless of your background, your race, gender or ethnic heritage. For some, it will include a corporate title but for most of us, leadership is a skill we use in everyday life, being a better parent or employee or friend. 

2. Everybody must continue to grow as a leader.

You don’t become a leader and then you are done, though that would be great. Every day, in everything you do, you can improve as a leader—if your heart and your mind are open to it. 

3. Leadership skills can be learned and nurtured.

That’s the thing that too many people misunderstand about leadership. It’s not a skill you are born with. With guidance and encouragement, anyone can hone their leadership skills. Everybody Leads exists to help you find your own leadership potential, to nurture that potential in every aspect of your life. 

It’s simple, really. Everybody Leads, and that means you. 

Hello there!

I am Tim Lupinacci. I am the CEO of Baker Donelson, one of the largest law firms in the U.S. Even as the CEO of a major law firm, though, I have come to realize that leadership is not what I grew up thinking it was. It is not something you are born with. We each have the capacity to lead. Each of us.

Some of us are lucky enough to be surrounded by mentors, to be taught the skills of successful leaders. Others, I’ve seen, are not so fortunate.

I created Everybody Leads to help nurture leaders everywhere, especially in groups and communities that often lack those opportunities. 

Because I truly believe we all have the capacity to lead.


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